The Director’s Duty to Avoid Insolvent Trading:

The Director’s Duty to Avoid Insolvent Trading:

What Is Insolvent Trading? Introduction Under the Corporations Act 2001(C’th) it provides for directors having a duty to prevent insolvent trading, failing which they are personally liable for civil penalties and for personal compensation to the company (usually by...
Congratulations on 25 years Brett!

Congratulations on 25 years Brett!

Congratulations to Brett on 25 years in law! Your expertise, dedication, and clear, practical advice have significantly impacted countless lives. Here’s to many more successful years ahead! 🎉👏 #25Years #FamilyLawExpert #CongratulationsBrett #LegalExcellence...
Lucinda’s 5 year milestone!

Lucinda’s 5 year milestone!

🎉 Congratulations to Lucinda on reaching a fantastic milestone, 5 years as a lawyer! 🎉 As a valued member of our Wills & Estates Team, Lucinda’s passion for effective wills and meticulous estate planning shines through. Her deep knowledge of legislation and...