Our News

New Commonwealth Offences

New Commonwealth Offences

There has been recent amendments to Commonwealth criminal law offences which is worthy of note. It is said that the type of conduct sought to be addressed by the new offences is gender-based violence. The Criminal Code Amendment (Deepfake Sexual Material) Act 2024...

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Post-Separation Care Arrangements for Children

Post-Separation Care Arrangements for Children

Co-parenting after separation, particularly with very young children, is often a minefield for parents to navigate. There is often the misconception that: The children will live with the Mother That time with each parent should be equal In deciding whether it is...

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Conveyancing Update: Car Parks In Community Title Schemes

In the excitement of purchasing a unit within a community title scheme, the allocation of car parking spaces within the community title scheme can be overlooked. Car parking spaces are very important, particularly in places like Brisbane Central Business District...

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RMO Law Quarterly Issue 33
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 32
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 31
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 30
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 29
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 28
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 27