Our News
Understanding Superannuation Death Benefit Nominations
A superannuation death benefit nomination is an important legal tool that allows a superannuation fund member to direct how their superannuation benefits will be distributed upon their death. Unlike other assets, superannuation does not automatically form part of a...
Success Story: Avoiding Imprisonment in Serious Drug Production Case
At RMO Law, we understand that facing serious criminal charges can be overwhelming, especially when the penalties include substantial terms of imprisonment. Our dedicated legal team recently represented a client charged with multiple drug-related offences, including...
Success Story: Strategic Defence Leads to Outstanding Outcome in Serious Traffic Matter
At RMO Law, we pride ourselves on achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, even in the most challenging circumstances. Recently, our expert Criminal & Traffic Law Team successfully defended a client facing a serious traffic offence, a case where the...
New Commonwealth Offences
There has been recent amendments to Commonwealth criminal law offences which is worthy of note. It is said that the type of conduct sought to be addressed by the new offences is gender-based violence. The Criminal Code Amendment (Deepfake Sexual Material) Act 2024...