Our News
Why Formalise Property Settlement?
Formal finalisation can take the format of a Binding Financial Agreement which requires each party to obtain independent legal advice, or Consent Orders which are registered with the court and reviewed by a registrar. Each option requires disclosure to be undertaken...
Water Allocations
Water allocations are a topic that needs to be considered when purchasing rural properties. Queensland Titles holds a register of water allocations which can be searched in a similar way as for titles to land. The search will reveal (amongst other things) who owns the...
Capacity To Make A Will Or Power Of Attorney – What Do I Need To Know?
One of the difficulties in advising clients and taking instructions when preparing an Enduring Power of Attorney or Will is to ascertain if the person giving the instructions has the ‘capacity’ to provide their instructions and therefore they can then sign the created...
Leasing, it’s easy, just get the dollars and the term of the lease right and that’s the end of it, nothing more to do, right? A lease document in fact is a very involved, very detailed contract that sets the terms and conditions in which a tenant (or subtenant or new...
Shareholders and Confidentiality Agreements – Company Formation “Pre-nups”
For those thinking of starting up a company by way of incorporating a partnership or novel processes or ideas to exploit, it must be kept in mind that forming a company could be considered to be entering into a relationship, albeit a financial one, which may have the...
In Charge While Under The Influence
Imagine a situation where you have driven around to the pub, had a few too many to drink and decide that you don’t want to risk driving home and so you sleep it off in the car while you sober up. If you thought that you would be doing the right thing, think again! You...
Introducing Lucinda!
Introducing Lucinda Tabulo! Lucinda joins the RMO team today as a Junior Lawyer in our Beenleigh office. Lucinda will expertly assist the Wills & Estates Team.✍️ Welcome Lucinda! #recruitment #rmolawbeenleigh #EmployingTheBest #careers #willsandestateslawyer
Introducing Kellie!
Introducing Kellie O'Grady! Kellie joins the RMO team today as a paralegal in our Beenleigh office. Kellie will expertly assist the Family Law Team.✍️ Welcome Kellie! #recruitment #rmolawbeenleigh #paralegal #employingthebest #careers #familylaw
Welcome Jackie!
Introducing Jackie Tramacchi! Jackie joins us today as Ryan Murdoch O'Regan's Practice Manager. Welcome Jackie! Jackie assists the Directors with the day-to-day management of Ryan Murdoch O’Regan Lawyers’ and its 5 branch offices. #recruitment #employingthebest #jobs...