Our News

27 Years! Congratulations Peter

Congratulations Peter! Admitted in 1996 Peter celebrated his 27th year as a solicitor last Sunday! Peter is a highly experienced lawyer, having worked for over 25 years as a Barrister in private practice. His experience lies within civil litigation and related areas...

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31 Years! – Congratulations Tim

Congratulations Tim! Admitted in 1992 Tim celebrates his 31st year as a solicitor tomorrow! Tim is a Director and leader of Ryan Murdoch O’Regan Lawyers’ Family & De Facto Law practice. Like all practice leaders, Tim is an acknowledged expert in his field and is...

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Can You Refuse a Roadside Breath Test (RBT)?

Police have the power and control to pull your vehicle over at any time and request that you participate in a breath test to ascertain whether you are intoxicated from alcohol or drugs while you are in charge of your vehicle. If the Police are of the reasonable belief...

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Gift and Loan Back

A “gift and loan back” arrangement has been used by clients as a popular strategy to reduce the assets in their personal name. A gift and loan back arrangement involves an individual gifting their wealth to a de-risked related entity like a discretionary family trust....

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Powers of Attorney and Property Transactions

On occasions a seller or a buyer will not be able to sign a document themselves but will instruct their attorney to sign under a power of attorney. These are some issues that need to be considered when dealing with a power of attorney. Has the power of attorney been...

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RMO Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 31

Read our latest RMO Quarterly Newsletter! Issue 31 is now available to view on our website: https://rmold.newwebsite.live/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/RMO-Quarterly-Newsletter-Issue-31.pdf To subscribe to our Newsletters please email newsletters@rmold.newwebsite.live...

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Congratulations Graham! 2 Years at RMO

Graham celebrates his 2nd year at RMO! Congratulations Graham! Graham is a Senior Associate in Ryan Murdoch O’Regan’s Wills & Estates Team. With over 2 decades of experience and detailed knowledge of wills and estates legislation, and its application, Graham...

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Welcome Georgina!

Introducing Georgina Close! Georgina joins the RMO team today as a paralegal in our Beenleigh office. Georgina will expertly assist the Wills & Estates and Criminal Law Teams.✍️ Welcome Georgina!

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RMO Law Quarterly Issue 33
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 32
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 31
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 30
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 29
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 28
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 27