Our News

Overdue Changes To Youth Justice System Ahead

Youth Justice System Queensland There has been a long-standing problem with the Queensland criminal justice system, and that is our inclusion of 17-years-olds in the adult justice system. It has been a problem unique to Queensland, being the only state in Australia to...

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Personal Guarantee

What is a Personal Guarantee? A personal guarantee is essentially a document that makes an individual liable for the debts incurred by a third party. In the circumstances of a business loan agreement between a bank and a company, a personal guarantee can place the...

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Statutory Demands to Recover Debts

A Statutory Demand is a demand made in the prescribed form by a creditor to a company pursuant to section 459E of the Corporations Act which demands payment of a debt within 21 days. Failure to comply with a Statutory Demand A failure to comply with a Statutory...

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Restraint Of Trade

Protecting the goodwill and brand of the business whilst creating income and profit are the main objectives of all businesses. In an attempt to achieve these objectives business owners will often include restraint of trade (“ROT”) clauses in employment agreements,...

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RMO Law Quarterly Issue 33
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 32
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 31
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 30
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 29
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 28
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 27