Our News

Environmental Impact Statement

Since 1 July 2022 Ryan Murdoch O'Regan has recycled approximately 0.17 tonnes of paper with Shred-X. Shred-X provides secure and certified destruction, recycling and repurposing of paper documents. We protect our clients by shredding documents with personal or...

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Mediation & Parenting Disputes

What Is Mediation? Mediation is built into the court process and is the required first step before filing proceedings for parenting orders. Section 60I(1) the Family Law Act 1975 requires an applicant to firstly make a genuine effort to resolve their arrangements...

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Sentencing: The Facts

Do you need to know more about sentencing? Are you about to be sentenced for a criminal offence in Queensland? This article explains what sentencing is in Queensland for criminal charges. It also explores the process and factors considered for sentencing. What Is A...

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RMO Law Quarterly Issue 33
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 32
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 31
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 30
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 29
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 28
RMO Law Quarterly Issue 27