Our News
New Commonwealth Offences
There has been recent amendments to Commonwealth criminal law offences which is worthy of note. It is said that the type of conduct sought to be addressed by the new offences is gender-based violence. The Criminal Code Amendment (Deepfake Sexual Material) Act 2024...
Unable to pay your debts? – 3 options available
It goes without saying that if there are difficulties in paying debts due, it creates undue stress which can even affect your ability to earn income. If you feel that this situation needs to be addressed there are 3 options available under the Bankruptcy Act 1996...
ATO Director Penalty Notices – A Guide
It is a common misunderstanding that directors are not personally liable in respect of the company’s liability for Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding payments, GST payments and superannuation obligations. In fact, directors are automatically liable as at the same...
Post-Separation Care Arrangements for Children
Co-parenting after separation, particularly with very young children, is often a minefield for parents to navigate. There is often the misconception that: The children will live with the Mother That time with each parent should be equal In deciding whether it is...
Shareholders and Confidentiality Agreements – Company Formation “Pre-nups”
For those thinking of starting up a company by way of incorporating a partnership or novel processes or ideas to exploit, it must be kept in mind that forming a company could be considered to be entering into a relationship, albeit a financial one, which may have the...
Contracts of Sale of Apartment Lots – Seller’s Duty of Co-Operation
As a purchaser of a Lot in a community title scheme “off the plan” there is usually a provision that once the plan has been registered the Seller can then nominate settlement to be within a relatively short period after, usually just 14 days. Though the contract may...
How to Choose the Right Negligence Lawyer for Your Case
When it comes to dealing with a negligence case, selecting the right negligence lawyer can make all the difference between success and failure. Navigating legal matters can be overwhelming, especially when you're dealing with the emotional and financial strain that...
Identifying hidden assets in cryptocurrency – Family Law Perspective
Identifying hidden assets in cryptocurrency during property settlements presents unique challenges that require specialised expertise. As digital currency assets like cryptocurrencies become more prevalent, they are increasingly used to conceal wealth during divorce...
The Director’s Duty to Avoid Insolvent Trading:
What Is Insolvent Trading? Introduction Under the Corporations Act 2001(C’th) it provides for directors having a duty to prevent insolvent trading, failing which they are personally liable for civil penalties and for personal compensation to the company (usually by...