Child Custody Issues

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Child Custody Issues

Hundreds of thousands of Australian children live with only one parent, and spend varying amounts of time with the other.

The law takes a subjective approach to the time a child or children spend with each parent. At the outset, there is a presumption of shared responsibility and hence shared care. The court will then look to the children’s best interests and the practical aspects of care before determining the time children spend with each parent where such an arrangement is in dispute.

Child Custody Issues Team

Tim Ryan

Accredited Speacialist

Brett Trafford

Special Counsel

Elle Marshall

Senior Associate

Bianca McDuff

Senior Associate

May del Rosario


Kate Easley


Katrina O'Shea

Senior Paralegal

Kelly Lowry

Senior Paralegal

Before we go further, we need to talk about terminology.

When the Family Law Act 1975 (“the Act“) was introduced, it used the terms “custody” and “access”, and these are still probably the terms most non-lawyers use. Then they were changed to “residence” and “contact”, and in 2006 the words “lives with” and “spends time with” were introduced. “Parental responsibility” covers not just responsibility, but also the right to be involved in decisions about children – education, sport, health and so on.

2006 saw major changes to the Act. Unless a court decides otherwise, the parental responsibility is joint and shared, so neither parent has the right to make major decisions themselves. These decisions typically cover issues such as schooling, name changes and medical issues.

Time spent with a child by the non-residential parent should be ‘substantial and significant’, and should allow parent and child to share one another’s interests. Contact during weekdays is seen as normal, subject of course to distance and other constraints. And above all, it is the child’s interest which is ‘paramount’.

All cases about children are dealt with under the Act. It does not matter whether the parents are married, in a de facto relationship, or have never lived together. Orders about children can also be sought by others, such as grandparents or those who have been step-parents.

The fact that children have been exposed to abuse or violence does not mean that they should have no contact with an abusive or violent parent, but it obviously makes finding a suitable contact regime harder. In most cases, the law is that a child is entitled to a relationship with both parents, and the real question is “How much time should a child spend with a parent?”

We often hear a parent say that the child does not want to see the other parent. The courts tend to be rather skeptical about the genuineness of those wishes, and say that it is the residential parent’s responsibility to assist with and encourage parent-child contact.

In a mobile society such as Australia today, often a parent will move away, so that regular contact becomes very difficult. The parent with whom a child is living does not have the right to move a child without agreement or a court approval, and courts and lawyers call cases about moves ‘relocation cases’.

Once again, it is the welfare of the child which is “paramount”. Is a planned move in the child’s best interests? Just moving and worrying about legal outcomes later can be expensive and risky – courts have ordered children to be brought back to the original area while a decision is made, and have the power to punish a parent who breaches court orders without a good excuse.

How are Agreements or Decisions Made?

There are three ways agreements or decisions are made:

  • by a parenting plan,
  • by consent orders, or
  • by a judicial decision.

A parenting plan is not an enforceable agreement, but if the parties subsequently are in court, the court will have regard to the terms of the parenting plan. Consent orders are obtained by a joint application to the court, without any actual attendances in court. They have the same legal effect as orders made by a judicial decision. They can also be obtained at any stage during court proceedings.

A judicial decision is obviously the most expensive way of resolving matters, but it takes two to make an agreement. Going to court may be the only available option.

Because no family situations are ever identical, relying on gossip or even past experience can be asking for trouble. If you need advice, guidance or help, the Ryan Murdoch O’Regan’s Family Law Team is there for you – you can rely on our expertise and experience to put you on the right track.

Initial Consultation

Attending an initial consultation, at any of our local offices or by telephone, is the essential first step.

The initial consultation provides you with an opportunity to meet your dedicated lawyer, discuss issues, identify your options, map solutions and provide an estimate of costs. Our initial consultations also provide the perfect opportunity to have a no obligation, confidential discussion about your family law matter.

In addition, the time spent provides you with an opportunity to assess whether our family lawyer is the right one for you during this important and often stressful transition in your life.

Payment Options/Deferred Fees Available

We understand that the urgent, and often unavoidable, nature of family law matters may leave you financially blindsided.

If eligible, we may be able to represent you on a ‘deferred fee basis’. This arrangement means your legal fees can be paid at predetermined intervals for example, following the sale of a property or at the conclusion of your matter. Our expert lawyers will keep you up-to-date with costs, allowing you to stay in control of spend.

To determine your eligibility, call us on 1800 957 936 or submit an enquiry below. This aspect can also be discussed during an initial consultation.

Please note, we do not offer “no win, no fee” arrangements for family law matters.

Legal Aid

RMO Law does not provide Legal Aid for family law matters. If you require detailed information on the Legal Aid process, eligibility requirements or would like to make an application for a family solicitor, visit Legal Aid Queensland’s website or access the Factsheet “Can I get Legal Aid”.

How We Can Help

RMO Law’s expert Family Law Team can assess your individual situation in accordance with the Act, provide expert guidance in negotiations, offer practical and experienced advice if appearing before the court is unavoidable, and provide you with the best legal representation if court-ordered agreements are required.

With over 40 years’ experience, our Family Law Team are experts in the family law field. The team also boasts an Accredited Family Law Specialist.

Contact Us

Get the best representation. Contact RMO Law’s experienced child custody issues lawyers on on 1800 957 936, email or submit an online enquiry.

Child Custody Issues