The Situation: *Joe and *Mika knew each other in Sydney. Mika and his wife, *Jan, moved to Queensland. Mika contacted Joe and invited Joe to come and work for Mika. Mika said that he would not pay Joe a wage, but he would give Joe a house to live in. Joe and his...
Success Stories
Other Success Stories
Dangerous Operation Of Motor Vehicle Charge Negotiated With No Licence Disqualification
Dangerous Driving - Traffic Law
The Situation: We represented a client charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle who was facing a potential jail term, with a minimum six month disqualification of their licence.
The Result: A win for our client. We successfully negotiated the charge of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle to one of driving with undue care and attention. Our client received a fine and kept their licence.
As every case is different, the cases reported here cannot be taken as an indication of a similar outcome being likely in your case, and these reports are not to be taken as legal advice about your particular situation.